Washiw Zulshish Goom Tahn-Nu was formed in 2009 with a dream to bring the people together

Washiw Zulshish Goom Tahn Nu is a grassroots organization made of  Washoe community members-mostly elders, who have endeavored to construct Wašiw Than Nu Ungal (the Washoe Peoples House) a cultural spiritual gathering place dedicated to ceremony, prayer, and the cultural teachings of Wašišiw.  This will be a place to gather; talk Wašiw, pray, conduct ceremonies and remember the values that our ancestors held as the original stewards of the land.

The Dream 

After numerous attempts to identify land appropriate to construct Wašiw Tahn Nu Ungal it was clear that the time simply was not right

Plans for Washiw Tahn-Nu Ungal were drawn up in 2015 with the intention of placing it on lands under tribal jurisdiction. These plans did not become realized.  Another attempt to construct Washiw Tahn-Nu Ung-Gal on land that was under the jurisdiction of the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) did not prove to be viable as a result of  government regulations that continue to prevent access.  A third attempt was made to gain support for constructing it on tribally owned land other than Clear Creek. However again, challenges arose and……

Washiw Tahn-Nu Ung-Gal remained a dream.

The Promise 

Many years ago an alliance of friendship was made between Wašiw and Buryat-Indigenouys people from Lake Bikal in Siberia.  The allience was facilited by the Tahoe-Baikal Institute (TBI), established in 1990 to help preserve Lake Tahoe and Lake Baikal in Siberia, as well as other significant and threatened lake ecosystems around the world.  A cultural exchange was developed to allow people to make friendships and connections across political, cultural, and religious divides and allow participants to learn more about the culture of Siberia, Mongolia, and other places around the world where similar concerns for traditional homelands and culture were present.

Shaman Rock, Cape Burhan, or Shamanka is a rock, on Olkhon Island, Lake Baikal, Russia.

De’ek wedepuš [Cave Rock] at Da’aw [Lake Tahoe] – The spiritual center of the world for Wašiw [Washoe].

One of our WZGT board members recalled a question posed by an elder Shaman in 2005 during a visit to Mongolia:

“has the yurt been put up yet?”

The elder proceeded to explain that an agreement was made with members of the Washoe tribe in previous years to demonstrate our bound of friendship and prayer as “Sister Lake” people.  In doing so, it was agreed to build a Gher [yurt] in Wašišiw Itdeh’ simbolizing the healing of the land, the water and the people.

Ley lines are straight alignments drawn between various historic structures, prehistoric sites and prominent landmarks.

The Shaman fuirther explained that there were other “sister lake” tribes around the world who had also agreed to enter into this alliance, and we, Wašiw were the only ones who had not followed through.

A Dream & A Promise 

Washiw Zulshish Goom Tahn-Nu decided to fulfull the promise made long ago with our Buryat relatives from Lake Bikal.  We believe that in doing so, the path for obtaining land to build Washiw Tahn-Nu Ung-Gal will be cleared. 

Washiw Zulshish Goom Tahn Nu and Buryat relatives rekindled the relationship and the promise to enter into prayer and solidarity for the healing of the land the water and the people-all the people.

Washiw Zulshish Goom Tahn-Nu re-established our relationship with the Buryat in a meeting this past summer, and will finally put the Gher up this Fall, 2024.


We are currently seeking funds to purchase land in the Tahoe Basin to construct  Washiw Tahn-Nu Ung-Gal.

Washiw Tahn-Nu Ung-Gal will be a place to gather; talk Wašiw; conduct ceremony, pray and; remember the values that our ancestors held as stewards of the land.  It will serve as a symbol of unity and solidarity within the Wašiw community and extend to the larger surrounding community as we grow together as steward of this land.  Washiw Tahn-Nu Ung-Gal will symbolize the healing of the land the water, and Wašiw–All the people.

If you would like to be a part of this Land Back effort and provide financial assistance, please select the link labeled donate.

We thank you for reading our story and ask that you join us with your good thought [prayers] as we seek to return to our traditional homelands.