May 21, 2024 in Current Updates

Strength in Solidarity: The Power of Collective Action with Washiw Zulshish Goom Tahn Nu

We are looking for engaged members of the Tahoe-Truckee community to donate dollars, time and resources to secure a land purchase at Da ow aga. Join us for the official…
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August 15, 2023 in Current Updates

Wašiw Zulšiš Gum Tahn-Nu Served Food at the Annual Elders Dinner at Waší∙šiw ɁitdéɁ

What an honor to serve healthy organic food at our annual Elder’s dinner this year!  We served fresh organic salad; chia seed parfaits with figs & strawberries, and; wild crafted…
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Past Events

Sierra Valley College Beach Clean-Up and Fundraiser
Oct 28th 2021

On Oct 28th 2021, Sierra Nevada University (SNU)  “Sustainability” students, joined by members of the campus People and Planet Club, participated in a local creek/beach clean-up and fundraising event.  The event was designed to address the impact of microplastics (and other pollutants) on the Da-oh (Lake Tahoe) Basin watershed.  A group of aproximately 40 individuals walked collectively from the SNU campus to  Incline Creek combing the area for waste.  The event was documented  in partnership with the UC Davis Tahoe Environmental Research Center to educate locals and visitors towards sustainable stewardship. After the clean-up, Washoe elder Marty Meeden and  John Dayberry spoke about the importance of the day and the sacredness of the area.  Students seemed to take extra pride in knowing their waste removal work was also raising money for Washiw Tahn-Nu Ungal (The Peoples House), a project of Washiw Zulshish Goom.

Thank you SNC for your generous support!

Oct 2 2021

Gratitude to Scott and our friends at Mountain Lotus Center (Truckee, CA) for you generous support and donations.

April 18, 2021

WZGT members planted Woods Rose, Buffalo Berry, Golden Currant, and Chokecherry along the Carson River. Much gratitude to Lori Leonard, the River Fork Ranch Manager for stewarding these lands and for including us in this work”.

Past Members

WZGT Founding Member

Joanne Nevers

It is with much love and tenderness that we remember our late WZGT board member–Joanne Nevers. Joanne will be remembered by many tribal members as a tribal historian and wisdom keeper. She wrote the book, "Wa She Shu: A Washoe Tribal History and participated in creating the first roll for the Washoe members in the early (date). Her knowledge of the Washoe culture and the historical events that led us to this present day has been invaluable. Joanne is a founding member of WZGT."

It is with much love and tenderness that we remember our late WZGT board member–Joanne Nevers. Daughter of .......... , and Grandmother to many. Joanne will be remembered by many tribal members as a tribal historian and wisdom keeper. She wrote the book, "Wa She Shu: A Washoe Tribal History and participated in creating the first roll for the Washoe members in the early (date). Her knowledge of the Washoe culture and the historical events that led us to this present day has been invaluable. Joanne is a founding member of WZGT."
WZGT Founding Member

Wilber (Lance) Astor

Wilber (Lance) Astor Wilbur (1928–2009) is the son of Willie and Pearl (Benjamin) Astor. He was a resident of the Reno/Sparks Indian community and attended Stewart Indian School. He was a World War II veteran and member of the American Legion Post 0031. Lance was a founding member of WZGT."

Wilber (Lance) Astor Wilbur (1928–2009) is the son of Willie and Pearl (Benjamin) Astor. He was a resident of the Reno/Sparks Indian community and attended Stewart Indian School. He was a World War II veteran and member of the American Legion Post 0031. Lance was a founding member of WZGT."